Whole School Service - Sunday 8 September


Dear ^Name.Title^ ^Name.LastName^

We hope you are well and have had a pleasant summer. We are gearing up for the beginning of the Autumn term here at Merchiston, and are ready to welcome back the boys on Sunday.

Our Start-of-Year Whole School Service will take place on Sunday 08 September, starting at 10.00am in the Memorial Hall.

Merchistonians are warmly invited to attend and there will be refreshments in the Old Library afterwards. Parking will be in the Rogerson and Chalmers Quads and on the Main Drive, and any overspill will be on Colinton Road. 

For those who cannot join us in person, the event will be live-streamed at the following link: https://vimeo.com/event/4533161/b28534f830

There will be a retiring collection in aid of https://www.teamjak.org.uk/. This will be cash only, but if you prefer to make an online donation direct to the charity, the link is here: https://www.teamjak.org.uk/donate-info

With thanks and best wishes, and hoping to see many of you there on Sunday 8th September.

Danny Rowlands
Deputy Head Wellbeing


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